Astrology Services

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Moon Calendar

Moon calendar shows the phase of the Moon for each day of the selected month and for any date.

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Moon Calendar

Planetary Hours

The planetary hours are based on an ancient astrological system, the Chaldean order of the planets.

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Planetary Hours Calculator

Astrology Articles

Astrology articles, tutorials and other interesting information about astrology.

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Astrology Articles

Introduction to Astrology

Introduction to Astrology Astrology is as old as measured time. The word Astrology is derived from two Greek words, Astra, a star, and Logos, logic or reason. It literally implies the doctrine and law as shown by the stars or planets.

Our universe is full of all kinds of amazing energies. Astrology allows us to interpret these energies. It's not a religion so we aren't required to start or stop believing in anything, and we don't need to believe in it for it to work. Read more