Weight Loss by the Zodiac

The first aspect is called Saturn on the ascendant. You'll need to know your rising sign to determine this. However sometimes when Saturn conjuncts your sun sign, you can lose weight too, although you may feel too darn tired to notice or care!
Saturn is a planet that “restricts”. So if it's on your rising sign which rules the physical body, Saturn will work wonders. If you started a diet under this aspect, you'd probably be quite successful. Saturn would supply you with the discipline you need to lose the weight too. This aspect only comes around every thirty years.
A good time for weight gain is when Jupiter conjuncts the rising sign which happens about every twelve years. Jupiter expands things. That's usually good, except when it expands your waistline! You can take precautionary measures knowing ahead of time when Jupiter will visit. Diet or exercise more before, during, and a little bit afterward Jupiter comes to call.
People always ask us about their love life. But just as many ask us about their weight too. We look at their charts and tell them the best foods and exercise to compliment their diets. But no matter how hard some signs try to lose weight, it can be difficult because of aspects in their charts. For example, the zodiac hosts certain food addict signs. These are Cancer and Virgo. Taurus tend to put weight on easily too and some Pisces types as well. Pisces have no boundaries. However the number one culprit in putting weight on, astrologically speaking is the planet Neptune. Pisces is ruled by this planet. Neptune can sabotage weight loss efforts. The addict looks at food as a reward and can easily be caught in self-defeating patterns. Neptune helps one to let their guard down, to raid the fridge at midnight. Neptune destroys your boundaries. Watch out for Neptune transits or the natal placement in your chart to help you understand Neptune better.
What else? People with a Moon/Pluto aspect in their chart will bury their anger by getting fat. Some people eat hardly anything and still can't lose weight. This issue may because of anger from childhood, relationships issues, etc. When people let go of their anger they often lose the extra weight they have been carrying. Transiting Pluto will actually help you lose weight. It's a long process because it has to works also to remove old anger issues at the same time, but Pluto can help you get rid of negative influences, addictions and bad habits once and for all.
I suggest, if you see a weight gain cycle in your future, that you start to cut calories and begin an exercise program before the actual aspect for weight gain hits your chart. Talk with your doctor months before so you can be prepared with a healthy diet program. If you are able to maintain your weight during the weight gain cycles, be content that you are not putting any on.
If you want to lose weight effortlessly, look to your Saturn cycles mentioned earlier. If you choose to work with Saturn and help your cause by exercising and diet control, you could have the best body you've had in years!
Allow the cosmos to work with you and those unwanted kilos will melt away!
- Author: Maria Shaw
- Added:
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- https://www.astrology.com.tr/articles.asp?artid=62