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Astrology Dictionary

Astrology Dictionary A Absolute Longitude: The degrees of the ecliptic where a planet might be placed according to its sign placement. A Planet at 15 degrees Aries is at 15 degrees Absolute Longitude whereas one at 15 degrees Libra is at 195 degrees Absolute Longitude (Libra being placed at 180 degrees).
Accidental Dignity: When a planet is so placed in the chart that by its house position or relationship with other planets is strengthened.
Afflicted: An antiquated term that continues to be used to describe a planet that has unfavorable aspects; squares, oppositions, and quincunxes.
Ages (e.g. of Aquarius): Time taken for the Vernal Point to move backwards through one sidereal constellation - approx 2,150 years.
Air Signs: Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius.
Altitude: The measurement of a planet in degrees and minutes from the horizon up towards the zenith. It is the planet's angular distance from the horizon measured vertically.
Anaretic degree: The final degree (29th degree) of any sign; also known as the degree of fate. Many astrologers believe that signs in the 29th degree – especially water signs – lend a considerable measure of intuitive, empathic and psychic ability to the native with planets in this degree.

Angular Houses: Houses 1, 4, 7, and 10 of the horoscope, which are positioned closest to the charts primary angles; ascendant, nadir, descendant, and Midheaven.
Angles: The lines of the chart wheel which lie at 0 degrees (the ascendant), 90 degrees (the I.C.), 180 degrees (the descendant), and 270 degrees (the M.C.). These are major points in a chart and represent Cardinal Qualities.
Angular: A cardinal point in the horoscope.
Antivertex: Intersection of the Prime Vertical with the ecliptic in the east.
Apogee (apo - away Gaia - Earth): The point in the Moon's orbit that is most distant from the Earth also used when a planet is most distant from the earth.
Apparent Horizon: A plane tangent to earth from a specific location - what we actually see as horizon dividing earth and sky and depending on elevation of the location above seas level.
Apparent Motion: Motion observed from a geocentric position. Motion relative to the earth as if the earth were stationary.
Apparent Solar Time: Measured by the Sun's apparent motion around the earth. "Sundial Time" or the observable rising of the Sun one day and again the next day.
Application: The movement of a planet toward another planet, cusp, or sensitive point, as an aspect forms between them.
Applying (Aspect): Refers to the relationship of two planets when the faster moving planet in an aspect is in an earlier degree than the slower planet and approaching exactitude.
Aquarian Age: A time period of approximately 2,160 years where the influence of Aquarius is prominent. An astrological age lasts for approximately 2,160 years and precesses or moves backward through the Zodiac. Also known as Precession. Some astrologers believe that the Age of Aquarius starts at approximately the new millennium. However, because of the discrepancy inflicted on the calendar by Pope Gregory, who gave us the Gregorian Calendar (which we still use today), the original timing was temporarily deviated from. Only within the last fifty years have astrologers and other scholars realized this discrepancy and added back the years that were lost, hence moving up the advent of the Aquarian Age to approximately the year 2050.
Arabic Parts: Imaginary and sensitive points on a chart developed by Arabic astrologers. These are calculated by adding the positions of two factors in the chart (e.g., Moon and Ascendant) and subtracting the position of a third factor. (e.g., Sun). They denote various focal points of energy such a good fortune (Part of Fortune), sickness, and marriage.
Arc: An angular measurement between two celestial planets or points. Also referred to as an orb.
Ascendant: The exact degree of the Zodiac coming over the eastern horizon at the particular True Local Time you took you first breath at the Geocentric Latitude of the locale. It is the rising sign at the threshold gate to your first house and dominates your personality and how others perceive you.
Ascending Node: where the Moon crosses the Ecliptic from South to North.
Aspects: Zodiac angles between planets or points in your horoscope that are within specific degrees of each other also create relationships with each other that have significant impact, both positive and negative, upon your emotions, mind, body, and spirit. Some major aspects included trine, square, opposition, conjunction, and sextile.
Asteroids (Also called minor planets): Asteroids are thousands of small bodies, located mainly between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, and which are considered by astronomy to be part of the Van Allen Belt of asteroids. Some Asteroids are outside of this orbit, e.g. Chiron is between the orbits of Saturn and Uranus, and is actually the only astronomical body that has an elliptical or oval orbit, where the other bodies have circular orbits. The four major Asteroids are Ceres, Juno, Pallas and Vesta, although Eros (UB313) is another asteroid that is frequently used by many astrologers in natal interpretations.
Archetype: An original model or prototype, in which anyone who is similar is considered to be a personification, representation or copy of the original or archetype.
Axis: There are six axes passing through the wheel of a horoscope. They are: houses 1 and 7--self/other, houses 2 and 8--values/resources, houses 3 and 9 communication/ transportation and travel, houses 4 and 10--heredity axis, houses 5 and 11--personal creativity/community volunteerism, houses 6 and 12--service/solitude. The nature of the planets on these axes can suggest the way an individual integrates into the affairs of the axes.
Astrology: The study of the influence of celestial bodies on any behavior, activity, or condition on Earth.
B Bary Centre: The point corresponding to the centre of mass of the planets in the solar system, which the planets orbit. The Bary Centre is normally close to the centre of the Sun.
Battlefield Activation: A turbulent connection involving Mars and Neptune and which contributes to violence in a relationship.
Birth Chart: A "map" detailing the positioning of the planets in the signs at the specific moment of an individual's birth. Using the individual's place, date, and time of birth as the data source to calculate the "map". Most birth charts are round or pie shaped; however some astrologers, especially in Vedic astrology, use square charts or grids.
Birth Data: The factors needed in order to calculate a birth chart: date of birth, time of birth, and location (latitude and longitude) of birth.
Biquintile: An aspect created between two planets, corollary points, or cusps that has an arc of 144° 00'
C Cadent Houses: Houses 3, 6, 9, and 12 of the horoscope.
Cardinal: One of the three modalities into which signs are categorized, its signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.
Cardinal Signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn.
Celestial Body: A physical form that exists in space; such as a planet, moon, sun, asteroid or comet.
Chart Ruler: The ruler of the chart is normally the planet ruling the first house's (or, Ascendant) sign. Some Astrologer's consider that the ruler is the planet closest to the first house cusp, which is very close to the Ascendant. The effects of a Chart Ruler are usually very significant. Additionally, a number of Astrologer's consider that the chart ruler affects our physical appearance.
Cinderella Linkage: An aspect involving Venus and Chiron, Jupiter and Chiron, Chiron and Neptune, Venus and Neptune and/or the Sun and Venus. It is referred to as the Cinderella Linkage (by the MAGI Society) because a connection between two individuals with any of these (beneficial) aspects results in a ‘rags to riches’ type relationship.
Classic Schism: Terminology used by the MAGI Society involving Chiron and the Sun, Chiron and Saturn, Chiron and Mercury and the Sun and Neptune. Turbulent connections (square, opposition) between the afflicted planets generally result in the relationship being torn apart, hence the ‘schism.’
Composite Chart: Two individual charts that are merged to form one. It shows the relationship between the individuals whose charts are combined.
Conjunction: An aspect created between two planets, corollary points, or cusps that has an arc of 00° 00' , though even two planets in the same sign are also said to be conjunct, even if their orb or arc is off by a few degrees.
Constellation: Groups of stars that have been given names and mythologies. Although there are typically 12 Zodiacal constellations, there are in fact many more constellations which aren’t used in the astrological natal horoscope.
Contraparallel: An aspect in declination when two planets have (within a 3° orb) the same degree of declination, but one is north and the other is south. Read by most astrologers as similar to an opposition.
Cupid Linkage: A term coined by the MAGI Society. A beneficial connection which involves the Sun and Venus and/or Venus and Neptune. The Cupid Linkage provides an extremely powerful attraction, usually felt more by the Venus person. An indicator of romance, though not necessarily love.
Cusp: The midway point between two signs of the zodiac; also used to refer to the start of a house within the chart wheel. If a planet falls on a house cusp, it should be read as though it were influencing both houses. Also refers to the beginning of each Sun sign.
D Decanate: One of three divisions of a Sun Sign (0º-9º59', 10º-19º59', 20º-29º59'). Each part is known as a decanate; every Sign is composed of 30 degrees, therefore someone born between the 1st and the 10th day of any sign is said to be born in the First (1st) Decanate. Those born between the 11th and the 20th, the Second Decanate, and those born between the 21st and the last day of any sign are said to have been born in the Third (3rd) Decanate.
Decile (semi-quintile): An aspect created between two planets, corollary points, or cusps that has an arc of 36°00'.
Declination: The manner of indicating distance N. or S. of the Celestial Equator. The maximum possible declination of the Sun is 23° 28' which occurs at the Solstices, when the Sun passes the Tropics (0°) of Cancer and Capricorn, the limit of the pole's greatest inclination from the plane of the Earth's orbit. The first degrees of Aries and Libra have no declination, since at these points the ecliptic intersects the equator. However, planets at this longitude may have declination.
Degrees: A unit of measurement commonly used in astrology to denote the positions of one sign/planet from another. The Zodiac circle or horoscope consists of a total of 360 degrees, or 12 houses with 30 degrees to each house.
Descendant: The opposite point from the ascendant; the cusp of the Seventh House, the point at which the western horizon intercepts the ecliptic. The Descendant describes one person’s interaction with another.
Detriment: A planet placed in a sign that is opposite to its sign of rulership. This generally causes a lack of synergy. For example, Mercury rules Gemini and is in detriment in Sagittarius.
Dharma: A Hindu term, also used in Buddhism, which refers to one’s duty or obligations in life. Some believe that this pertains to the Life Purpose, but there is no evidence that this is strictly the case.
Direct Motion: The normal forward motion of a body through the zodiac signs (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, etc.). This is opposite to retrograde motion, in which a planet moves apparently (but not in actuality), backwards.
Disharmony and Distrust Activation: A turbulent connection which involves Venus and Jupiter and causes disharmony and distrust of one toward the other.
E Earth: Since a birth chart is a map of the sky drawn from our perspective here on earth, planet earth does not appear in the birth chart. Used to designate one of the four elements into which the zodiac signs may be categorized. Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn).
Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.
East Point (Also called Equatorial Ascendant): A sensitive point defined as 90° east of the intersection of the meridian with the ecliptic. Used by some astrologers as an auxiliary Ascendant.
Ecliptic: The plane of the Earth's orbit as it sweeps around the Sun. As a Great Circle projected out into space, it is more properly called the celestial elliptic.
Eighth House: Eighth of the 12 Houses of the Zodiac. Also known as the House of Death, Sex, Secrets and Inheritances. It’s planetary ruler is Pluto, its sign, Scorpio.
Electional Astrology: The branch of Astrology that deals with selecting the best time to initiate any given activity or project.
Elements: Refers to the four elements: fire, earth, air and water.
Eleventh House: Eleventh of the 12 Houses of the Zodiac. Also known as the House of Groups, Associations and Friends. Its planetary ruler is Uranus, its sign is Aquarius.
Ephemeris: A book of astrological compilations containing the daily movements of the Sun, the Moon, and the planets. Used to construct birth charts, among many other things.
Equinox: Means a time of equal day and night. This occurs twice a year and marks the beginning of Spring and Autumn.
Exaltation: The presence of a planet in a sign that derives a particular type of (usually enhanced) energy and affinity. The manner in which this energy operates depends greatly on the planet and sign involved.
F Failed Long-term Relationship: According to the MAGI Society, this activation involves Chiron and Neptune and indicates that the relationship between two individuals with this activation usually will ultimately not last.
Fair Hearing Linkage: A connection made between Jupiter and Mercury which allows one or both parties to more effectively communicate with each other peacefully.
Fall: A planet placed in a sign which is opposite to its sign of exaltation is referred to as its sign of fall. Its properties are out of context with the influence of the sign in which it is placed. Fall planets may be indicators of past-life debts to be repaid.
Fatal Attraction Activation: A turbulent connection involving the Sun and Pluto which, when positively aspected (trine, sextile) results in covert stalking or the desire to know every little aspect of the life of another without literally following or stalking the individual. When negative or turbulent, this connection can result in physically following through with the desire to possess the individual for whom the Pluto person feels the obsession.
Feminine Signs: The Earth and Water Signs, comprised of Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces.
Fifth House: Fifth of the 12 astrological houses. Also known as the House of Creativity, Romance, Children and Pleasure. Its planetary ruler is the Sun, its Zodiacal ruler or sign is Leo.
Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
First House: First of the 12 astrological houses. Also known as the House of Self. Its planetary ruler is Mars, its sign is Aries.
Fixed Signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.
Forecast: When an astrologer analyzes planetary movements and how they impact your chart in order to make recommendations about courses of action...
Forevermore Aspect: According to the MAGI Society, this connection signifies long-term romance and union. Harmony, peace and serenity make up this connection. This aspect binds the native long-term to each other.
Fourth House: Fourth of the 12 astrological houses. Also known as the House of Home, Family and Emotions. Its planetary ruler is the Moon, its Zodiac sign is Cancer.
G Generational: Refers to aspects between outer planets that move so slowly that whole age groups will be born with essentially the same aspects in their birth charts.
Geocentric: Geocentric means viewed from the centre of the earth. The Geocentric co-ordinate system is the most commonly used system in astrology
Geometric Planetary Configurations: Planets in the natal chart which form a geometric shape such as a triangle, star, square or rectangle. There are currently eight known shapes: Beneficial: Star of David, Grand Trine, Kite; Ambiguous: the Yod or Finger of God, The Basket (Grand Sextile) and the Golden Rectangle; and Turbulent: the T-Square and the Grand Cross. The beneficial configurations are said to point towards the native’s major life themes and/or Life Purpose.
Glyphs: Symbols used to represent the Sun Signs, planets, and aspects. Etymologically derived from the Greek glyphè, or ‘carved work,’ also referred to as a symbol. Each planet and sign is designated by a glyph.
Golden Linkage: Same as the Cinderella Linkage, except that this connection focuses mainly on the ability to make money together. Excellent connection to have for both business and intimate partners.
Grand Cross: A configuration in which four planets form mutual squares. It creates much tension, but as with most squares, creates the motivation necessary to reach our goals.
Grand Trine: A Grand Trine is formed when three planets of the same Element, meet 120 degrees apart from each other to form a triangle. The energy of this configuration is harmonious, but can also cause laziness, since there is ease or fluidity in the interaction of the three planets and any function or characteristic represented by them.
H Hard Aspect: Aspects which create tension and friction. Squares, oppositions, and quincunxes are all hard aspects.
Harmonics: The astrological study of integral divisions of the circle by integer numbers (e.g., 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 .... etc.,).
Heartbreak Activation: This activation involves Chiron and the Moon, and/or Chiron and Saturn. When these planets are negatively aspected, the relationship usually results in heartbreak and pain.
Heliocentric: Charts using the perspective of the Sun as the center. Earth appears in these charts, instead of the Sun, The further a planet is from the Sun the less its geocentric position varies from its heliocentric one. The inner planets (Mercury and Venus) can vary by as much as 180°.
Hemispheric Divisions: Half-circles of the horoscope wheel when it is divided by the Meridian (Midheaven/Nadir axis) or the Horizon (Ascendant/Descendant axis).
Horary: The art of answering questions through astrology. A chart is erected for the time a question is asked and the answer is sought by interpreting the horoscope using the rules of Horary astrology.
Horary Astrology: The branch of Astrology devoted to answering specific questions by means of a chart drawn up for the time the question is asked.
Horoscope: A detailed map or chart of the heavens and planets overhead at the exact time and place of birth that covers the full sky circle of 360º. A birth chart acts as a blueprint of a person's life.
Houses: One of twelve divisions made in the cycle of the Earth's daily rotation. Each house represents specific areas of activity in an individual's life. The seventh house, for instance rules marriage and partnerships, as well as, open enemies and lawsuits.
I Imum Coeli (IC): The Imum Coeli is the point where the Lower Meridian intersects the Ecliptic. It is opposite the Midheaven (MC). In most house systems the IC forms the 4th House Cusp. In interpretation, it represents the personal foundations, source of being, origins, roots, beginnings of life in the womb, personal, family and tribal heritage; connection with home; parental influence; most private and least conscious area.
Ingress: The entrance of a celestial body into an eclipse.
Intercepted: A sign that is wholly encompassed within a house but does not appear on the cusp. Intercepts run across the entire polarity axis, so that, if for instance, Taurus is intercepted in House 3, Scorpio will also be intercepted in House 9. Intercepted signs operate in the unconscious; a chart with several planets in intercepted signs will have a powerful creative unconscious if s/he can access it. Accessing is often done when a person is removed from the environment into which s/he came to earth and is given time out to get in touch with the intercepted planet(s) as transits/progressions trigger the intercept.
Impossible Dream activation: A turbulent (square, opposition) aspect involving Chiron and Venus which usually results in a broken relationship between the two individuals with this connection. According to the MAGI Society, you really want it, but no matter how much you want it, it rarely works out.
J Joys: The planets are said to rejoice in certain houses. A planet in its joy is good for the planet, but not necessarily of advantage to the native. The joys of the planets are as follows: Mercury – 1st House; Moon – 3rd House; Venus – 5th House; Mars – 6th House; Sun – 9th House; Jupiter – 11th House & Saturn – 12th House...
Julian Calendar: A calendar introduced in Rome in 46 BC. Established a year of 365 days with every fourth year having 366 days.
K Karma: The consequence of actions, either positive or negative, from this or previous lives, which result in our ‘reaping what you so.’
Karmic Connection: Connections or aspects between the Sun and Neptune, Jupiter and Neptune and Venus and the Moon which generally indicate a negative Karma or relationship between the two natives. A positive connection is a Soulmate Connection.
Kronos: Kronos is one of the eight hypothetical planets (also called the Transneptunian planets or TNPs) of the Hamburg School. Interpretations for Kronos include things that are above average, things that are high up, such as mountains, aeroplanes, government authorities.
L Latitude, Celestial: The angular distance, in degrees, minutes and seconds, north or south of the ecliptic.
Latitude, Terrestrial: The angular distance, north or south of the Equator, in degrees, minutes and seconds.
Lifetime Linkage: Similar to the Forevermore Aspect, but without the romantic or love connection. This is a common linkage between friends, and sometimes even some ex-lovers. Chiron and Neptune are the aspecting planets.
Linkage of Forgiveness: This linkage comes in handy, especially, between business and intimate partners. The connection can be found between Sun and Juniper, Moon and Jupiter and Venus and Juniper. This linkage makes it easier to forgive someone if they should harm you and vice versa.
Linkage of Trust: This aspect consists of the Sun and Chiron and indicates whether there is a level of trust in the relationship. If the connection is beneficial (trine), there is a trust linkage, usually (especially) on the part of the Sun person. If it’s turbulent, then there is a lack of trust on one or both parts.
Local Sidereal Time: The time of birth at the birthplace converted to sidereal (star) time. It is the hour angle of the vernal point (0° Aries).This is the figure from which the house cusps of a horoscope are derived.
Longitude, Celestial: The distances along the ecliptic, measured in degrees, minutes and seconds, going east from the vernal point (which is defined as 0°), which is determined by the Sun crossing the celestial equator going from south to north.
Longitude, Terrestrial: The distance measured either east or west, in degrees, minutes and seconds, from the 0° point, which is the Prime Meridian, running through Greenwich, in England.
Love @ 1st Sight: A beneficial connection involving Chiron and the Moon. Only the trine aspect applies. The ‘Love @ 1st Sight’ may be based on a past life romantic or love connection that is being brought forward into this incarnation.
Love/Hate Connection: An ambiguous connection which, even when aspected beneficially, can be antagonistic to both individuals involved. Aspected planets are Mars and Neptune. When turbulent, it is referred to as the Battlefield activation.
Lunations: A Lunation is one Lunar cycle of a New Moon to the next New Moon. The New Moon occurs when the Moon is conjunct the Sun. The interval from one New Moon to the next is 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes and 2.8 seconds and is called the Synodic Month...
M M.C.: Medium Coeli. One of the four major angles of a birth chart, this one is at the top of the chart wheel. It is the start of the Tenth House, and it addresses public life, reputation and one’s career and is also referred to as the Midheaven.
MAGIical Linkage: Beneficial connection which consists of Venus and Chiron. According to the MAGI Society for whom this linkage is named, in synastry this is the best connection to have, overall. It indicates love, money and luck and combined destinies. Marriages with this connection are usually lifelong.
Marriage Breaker: A turbulent connection involving Chiron and Pluto. This activation usually results in the marriage being disrupted by an outside or third party.
Masculine Signs: The Fire and Air Signs, comprised of Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius.
Meridian: A great longitudinal circle or imaginary line on the celestial sphere that passes through both celestial poles (The northern horizon and southern zenith).
Metagene Factor: A connection involving the Venus and Moon that’s normally used for an individual natal chart, but can also be applied in a composite chart. This connection indicates psychic ability in the native.
Midheaven: The highest point above the horizon in an astrological chart; the approximate position of the sun at noon; the cusp of the tenth house; the tenth house as a whole. Also referred to as the House of the Public and/or the House of Career.
Midpoints: The exact degree and minute halfway between two natal planets (or a planet and an angle). The midpoints can give more information about the nature, timing and possible outcome of transits.
Modality: There are three modalities, also known as quadruplicities: Cardinal, fixed and mutable. Although modalities are often bunched in with the elements (fire, earth, air and water) and referred to as elements or modes by many astrologers, the word ‘modality’ actually refers to the way an element or sign operates, not what it consists of.
Money Pit Activation: A turbulent connection involving Venus and Neptune and/or Venus and Pluto. This activation makes it difficult for the natives to hold on to money.
Moon Signs: The zodiacal sign in which the moon was in at the moment of birth. The moon rules emotions and co-rules intuition with Neptune and thus, the Moon sign reveals much about the native's personality. The Moon sign, Sun sign and ascendant are the three main elements in a birth chart.
Moon's North Node or North Node of the Moon: Event in which the moon passes through the ecliptic from a southern to a northern latitude. The Moon’s Nodes are always retrograde.
Moon's South Node: Event in which the moon passes through the ecliptic from the north to the south.
Moon Wobble: A stressful aspect of the Sun to the Moon's North Node, which lasts about 5 weeks. Can build expectations, sometimes disappointments, but usually just typical craziness.
Mundane Astrology: The branch of Astrology which deals with places as opposed to people; world events and universal trends are the focal point.
Mundane Parallels: A condition created when two planets are equally distant from any angle in a chart.
Mutable: One of the three modalities of signs. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are Mutable signs. Mutable signs are fluid, adaptable and flexible, but can also be unpredictable, fickle and flaky.
Mutable Signs: Gemini, Virgo, and Sagittarius.
N Nadir (IC): The point directly opposite the Midheaven (MC). As the doorway on the cusp of the fourth house, it represents your spiritual foundation.
Natal: Synonymous with "birth." Natal chart or wheel and birth chart are terms which can be used interchangeably.
Ninth House: Ninth of the 12 astrological houses. Also known as the House of Travel, Mental Journeys, Higher Education, Religion and Philosophy. Planetary ruler is Jupiter, sign ruler is Sagittarius.
Nodes: The north and south nodes are two points where a planet's orbit intersects the ecliptic. The nodes of the Moon are especially significant. Your Moon's north node is a positive area of your life, a repository for undiscovered talents that promotes emotional, psychological, and spiritual growth. Your Moon's south node represents unfulfilling old habits, thoughts, activities and belief systems you need to discard in order to grow.
Novile: A rarely used aspect angle, of 40°. It is said to indicate development, or the ability to digest information necessary for evolutionary growth.
O Obliquity: Obliquity is the angle made between the plane of the ecliptic and the plane of the celestial equator. This value is currently around 23 degrees 26 minutes and varies slowly over the centuries.
Opposition: An aspect created between two planets, corollary points, or cusps that have an arc of 180° 00'
Orb: The space on the chart wheel measured in degrees, between planets and points, by which an aspect may vary from exactness and still remain effective. Also referred to as an arc.
Out of Bounds: Planets which are outside the usual north or south measurement of the celestial equator within which planets rest.
Out-of-Sign: Also known as a dissociate aspect; addresses the importance of measuring aspects by degree rather than Sign. For example, a conjunction between a planet at 29 degrees Leo and 1 degree Virgo is within a 2 degree orb but not the same Sign. This weakens the aspect.
P Parallel: An aspect in declination where two planets are in the same degree (with an orb of 3°), both north or both south of the celestial equator.
Part of Fortune: An area of your life such as art or healing where you excel naturally. It is an area where you find happiness and peace as you express these innate abilities.
Planets: As used in Astrology, this refers to the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron and the asteroids. Earth is excluded as it is our point of reference. In general, it is a major body which revolves around a Sun in a periodic orbit.
Polarities: Refers to the division of the 12 signs into two groups of north-south, masculine-feminine, etc.
Power Struggle Activation: A turbulent activation involving the Sun and Mars which, when negatively aspected (square, opposition), creates power struggles, and can lead to violence if indicated by additional negatively aspected planets.
Progressions: A method of advancing the planets and points of a natal chart to a particular time after birth. Used to illustrate one's evolution. The usual measurement is a ‘day-for-a-year.’ Taking the native’s original birthdate and time, the chart is progressed by the current age of the native. If the native is 35 years old, the chart is taken 35 days forward in time (a ‘day-for-a-year’) from the date of birth. So a natal chart which is currently progressed from May 23, 1985 would give the progressed chart the birth date of July 14, 1985.
Q Quadrant: One of the four quarters, each comprising three houses, within the horoscope. Transiting planets through each quadrant activate certain properties, i.e., Houses 1-3, denotes independent personality growth; Houses 4-6, the home, children, skills, and service; Houses 7-9, partnership, joint investment and publicity; Houses 10-12, soul growth and/or public influence.
Quadruplicity: Each sign belongs to one of four groups of signs based on their elemental tendencies to be either fiery, earthy, airy, or watery in temperament.
Qualities: The Signs are classified by their Qualities or modes: Cardinal, Fixed, or Mutable. Also referred to as modalities or quadruplicates.
Quincunx: An aspect created between two planets, corollary points, or cusps that has an arc of 150° 00'
Quindecile: An aspect created between two planets, corollary points, or cusps that has an arc of 24° 00'
Quintile: An aspect created between two planets, corollary points, or cusps that has an arc of 72° 00'
R Rapt Parallels: A condition often treated as an aspect, in which two planets are equally distant from the meridian at the point of the Midheaven.
Report: An interpretation of one's birth chart. Also known as delineation.
Rectification: A process used to determine the true time of a person's birth based upon events, relationships, and experiences, as well as personality traits that you have or had.
Retrograde: The term used for a planet which appears to be going backwards in its orbit through the zodiac, from the Earth's prospective. This apparent backward motion occurs when the Earth passes a slower-moving outer planet, or, when a faster-moving inner planet is passed. The outer planets are retrograde over 40% of the time, and can inhibit the planet's energy or cause delay and confusion. Natal retrograde planets can be slower to act and less conscious than direct planets. Retrograde is designated by the symbol Rx in the horoscope.
Right Ascension: Distance measured along the celestial equator, Eastward from the point of the Spring Equinox; or, as sometimes described, distance along the circle of declination.
Rising Sign: The Sign or the subdivision of the Sign which was rising on the eastern horizon at the moment of birth. A new Sign rises approximately every two hours. It is deemed to exercise a strong influence upon the personality and physical appearance of the native. This is subject to modification by virtue of concurrent aspects. The placement of the Lord of the Ascendant, of the Moon, or of the planet aspecting the ascending degree, are also deemed to accent the particular subdivision of the Rising Sun in which the ascending degree falls. Interpretations by numerous authorities are available by Signs, by Decans and by demi-Decans - both incorrectly termed Faces by some authorities. In applying any of the interpretations attached to a Rising Sign it should be remembered that the presence of a planet in the Ascendant will always modify the influence of the Sign itself.
Romance Linkage: Same as the Cupid Linkage, but less intense. Consists of connections Between Venus and Chiron, Jupiter and Chiron, Chiron and Neptune, Venus and Neptune and the Sun and Venus. With the lesser connections such as this and the Cupid Linkage, sextiles can be counted as well as trines.
Ruler: The assigned planet to a sign based upon its affinity with the sign's qualities. (Also known as Lord of the sign.) For example, Pluto is the Ruler of Scorpio.
S Saturn Clash: A turbulent aspect formed by Saturn and Chiron, Pluto, Neptune, Venus, Jupiter, Uranus and/or the Sun. Usually results in relationships that end in bitterness and disaster.
Second House: Second of the 12 astrological houses. Also known as the House of Values, Money and Possessions. Planetary ruler is Venus. Sign ruler is Taurus.
Semi-Decile: An aspect created between two planets, corollary points, or cusps that has an arc of 18° 00'
Semi-Sextile: An aspect created between two planets, corollary points, or cusps that has an arc of 30° 00'
Semi-Square: An aspect created between two planets, corollary points, or cusps that has an arc of 45° 00'
Sesquiquadrate: An aspect created between two planets, corollary points, or cusps that has an arc of 135° 00'
Seventh House: Seventh of the 12 astrological houses. Also known as the House of Marriage and Partnership. Planetary ruler is Venus, sign ruler is Libra.
Sextile: An aspect created between two planets, corollary points, or cusps that has an arc of 60° 00'
Sexual Linkage: Connections which denote sexual attraction and compatibility between natives. In an individual’s chart, can indicate sexual interest/libido. Beneficial (trine and sextile) aspects include Venus and Pluto, Mars and Pluto, Venus and Mars, Sun and Pluto and Mars and Chiron, though this last connection is also the strongest and referred to as the Marital Sexual Connection, since it usually results in marriage according to the MAGI Society.
Signs: ‘Carved’ figures or symbols of the Zodiac wheel. Located in twelve equal 30-degree sectors of the ecliptic circle. Zodiac signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.
Silver Linkage: One of the five MAGI linkages which indicate success and money, though not as strong as the Golden Linkage. Aspects consist of Venus and Neptune, Venus and Uranus, Venus and Jupiter, Jupiter and Uranus and/or Jupiter and Neptune.
Sixth House: Sixth of the 12 astrological houses. Also known as the House of Service to Others, Health, Relationship with Co-Workers. Planetary ruler is Chiron (traditional: Mercury); sign ruler is Virgo.
Soft: Aspects that are "softer" in action, and probably will be perceived as less strong, or more passive than the hard aspects. Generally considered to represent themes of ease, and perhaps talent.
Solar Chart: A generalized chart used to forecast transit trends. It is created by placing the sign being looked at on the eastern horizon (first house). The other eleven signs fall accordingly in each house after that. Example: If transits for Cancers were being looked at Cancer would be in the first house, Leo the second, Virgo the third, etc.
Solar Return: A horoscope produced for the moment when the Sun returns to the exact degree/minute/ second of celestial longitude which it occupied at birth. This moment will be within a day or two of one's birthday. This solar return horoscope is considered symbolic for the following year.
Solstice: When the Sun reaches its maximum declination or zenith above the ecliptic. This occurs twice a year, at the beginning of Summer and Winter.
Soulmate Connection: Term used by the MAGI Society to denote Soulmate or intimate compatibility based on a karmic connection. Aspects are between the Sun and the Moon and are generally beneficial (trine). However, they can also be turbulent (square or opposition), in which case they’re then known as a Karmic Connection, which indicates negative karma passed between the two natives.
Square: An aspect created between two planets, corollary points, or cusps that has an arc of 90° 00'
Stationary: The period in which a planetary position appears motionless from Earth's perspective, and occurs with the change from retrograde to direct, or direct to retrograde, motion. The Sun and Moon are never stationary.
Stellium: Three or more planets or points which occur within one Sign in the birth chart and are a focal point of energy.
Succedent Houses: Houses 2, 5, 8, and 11 of the horoscope.
Sun Sign: The sign in which the Sun was in at the time of birth. Long over-emphasized, which lead to the misconception that Sun Sign astrology was the sum total of astrology. For the Sun is only one of ten planets, asteroids and other points in the birth chart when casting a horoscope. It is considered to be the Self that the individual shows to the world, his outer personality, as opposed to his ‘inner’ personality or True Self, as evidenced by the native’s Ascendant. The Sun sign, Moon sign and ascendant are the three most important elements in a birth chart to understand the outer person (Sun sign), the inner person (ascendant) and the emotional expression (Moon sign) of the individual.
Sun Signs: The twelve traditional signs of the Zodiac (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces). During twelve portions of the year (about 30 days each), the Sun passes through each sign. Super Fame Connection: A MAGI Society linkage that indicates the ability to reach high levels of super fame, either alone or with another individual. Beneficial aspects include Jupiter and Uranus, Sun and Uranus and Chiron and Uranus.
Swinger’s Connection: An ambiguous connection involving Venus and Uranus which causes native’s with even beneficial aspects (trine, sextile) to want to see others romantically. The turbulent aspects create animosity.
Synthesis: The process of pulling all the separate themes of a horoscope together, "weighing" them for relative importance, and synthesizing or integrating or blending them into and with each other to create harmony.
Synastry: Comparing natal charts to find strengths and weaknesses in the area of compatibility.
T Tenth House: Tenth of the 12 astrological houses. Also known as the House of the Public, Career, Reputation and Social Status. Planetary ruler is Saturn, sign is Capricorn.
Third House: Third of the 12 astrological houses. Also known as the House of Communication, Intellect and Siblings. Planetary ruler is Mercury, sign ruler is Gemini.
Transit: The movement of a planet over, or in aspect to, a specific point, sign, planet or house cusp in a horoscope. It also refers to the passage of a planet that generates a certain zodiacal influence (e.g., the Sun transits Aries from about March 20 to April 20).
Transits: An Ephemeris records the daily movements of the planets across the sky. These transits impact your natal chart and influence your mind, body, and spirit. Study and scrutiny of theses transits can contribute to personal growth and give you a heads up about approaching successes, as well as, stresses.
Transpluto: A hypothetical planet said to orbit beyond Pluto.
Tredecile: An aspect created between two planets, corollary points, or cusps that has an arc of 108° 00'
Trine: An aspect created between two planets, corollary points, or cusps that has an arc of 120° 00'
Triplicity: Each sign belongs to one of three groups of signs based on its intrinsic characteristic of being - either cardinal (initiatory), fixed (stable), or mutable (adaptable) in nature. Characteristics embodied in the natural elements of fire, earth, water, and air.
True Love Connection: A beneficial aspect involving the Sun and Jupiter, Chiron and Venus, Chiron and Neptune and/or Chiron and Pluto. Beneficial connections involve the trine.
T-square: The configuration formed when two planets in opposition both square the same third planet (and form a "T" in the heavens). This is a challenging focal point for planetary energies.
Twelfth House: Twelfth of the 12 astrological houses. Also known as the House of Self-Undoing, Sadness/Sorrow, the Unconscious, dreams and illusions. Planetary ruler is Neptune, sign ruler is Pisces.
U Universal Time: Mean Solar Time calculated from mean 0 hours on the Greenwich Meridian.
Uranian Planets: Eight hypothetical planets (and never observed up to the late 1980's). Their existence was presupposed by Alfred Witte and Friedrich Sieggrun and ephemeredes for their positions exist. These hypothetical planets are called Cupido, Hades, Zeus, Kronos, Apollon, Admetos.

V Vernal Equinox: The intersection of the celestial equator with the ecliptic plane each solar year at 0º Aries. The Sun crosses the celestial equator moving from north to south. This is the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere, and this point (degree) of the ecliptic is the designated starting point for the signs: 0 degrees Aries.
Vertex: The Vertex is the intersection of the Ecliptic with Western Prime Vertical. A hypothetical point in the ecliptic and in the natal chart which represents fated or destined events or individuals. An orb of 3 degrees is customary.
Violence Indicator: A turbulent activation involving Saturn and Pluto which, when beneficial, indicates a negative linkage, which while not turbulent, can cause tenseness, friction and animosity and when turbulent often creates violence.
Void: The absence of an element in a horoscope. A person void of natal Air planets and no planets in the Air Houses (3, 7, or 11) would recognize the need to repeatedly take courses on communication.
Void of Course: A term describing a planet that does not make a major aspect before changing Signs. It is used primarily with respect to the Moon.
W Watchers of the Heavens: Applied by the Persians (c. 3000 B.C.) to the four Royal Stars then at the angles of the Zodiac: the Watcher of the East, then at the Vernal Equinox - Aldebaran; the Watcher of the North, which then marked the Summer Solstice - Regulus; the Watcher of the West, then at the Autumnal Equinox - Antares, the Watcher of the South, which then marked the Winter Solstice - Fomalhaut.
Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces “What Can You Do For Me?” Connection: An ambiguous connection involving Venus and Saturn that results in the Saturn person seeing the other individual in the light of what that person can do for them. Even the beneficial connection (trine, sextile) is not necessarily conducive to romance, since it lessens emotionality considerably, and creates a cold and calculating attitude about the relationship.
Weak Signs: Cancer, Capricorn and Pisces.
Whole Signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, and by some authorities Taurus.
Wide Aspect: An aspect that has an orb of influence that is 02°00' - 08°00' plus or minus an exact arc formation.
Y Year: The Solar or Tropical Year is the period of time in which the earth performs a revolution in its orbit about the Sun, or passes from any point of the ecliptic to the same point again. It consists of 365.2422 days, or 365d 5h 48M 46s. (The Sun's motion in longitude in a Julian year of 365.25 days is 360° 27'7.)

The Sidereal Year is a period of 365d.256 or 365d 6h 9m 9s.5, during which time the Sun's center, departing eastward from the ecliptic meridian of a given star, returns to the same; an astral year. It is about 20 minutes longer than the tropical year. The sidereal month is of a duration of 27d.322. The Anomalistic Year, that between two successive perihelion passages of the Earth, is 365d.26, or 4m 43s.5 longer than the sidereal year, although it is increasing in length even faster than the sidereal year. v. Day.
Z Zenith (MC): The point in the celestial sphere that is directly overhead an observer at a particular location on the Earth's surface.
Zenith Area: Houses 9 and 10 in the horoscope. Natal planets in these houses or aspects to the Midheaven may vibrate as ambitious factors. Transits through this part of the chart may reflect success to a hardworking individual. Friends and loved ones can feel neglected during these transits.
Zodiac: From the Greek "zodiakos," literally meaning "carved circle of animals. The division of the heavens into twelve astrology signs, each comprising exactly one-twelfth of the heavenly circle or 30º and totalling 360º.