Birth Horoscope - Creating the Natal Chart

A natal chart is your individual cosmic portrait or mandala. It is what the universe has to say about who you are and what you may become. The seeds of the future are always sown in the present, but can we read them? This is what the study of astrology is all about: reading the signs of the times and listening to what they have to say about ourselves, now and in the future. Your cosmic portrait is ready any time you are.
For one, the sign of the Sun was in on the day of your birth (for example Aries, Taurus, or Gemini) is only one of many factors that are looked at by professionals. In addition to the day and year of birth, most professionals use the time and place of birth as well. Birthdate, year, time and place are all needed to pinpoint your place in time and space. Given this information, an astrologer creates what is called a natal or birth chart.
Each natal chart includes the exact position of the Sun, Moon, and the planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. These planets are then placed in a circular diagram called a chart wheel. This wheel is a miniature diagram of what the sky looked like at the moment of birth as seen from the birthplace.
The very top of the chart or MC (Medium Coeli -- short for Midheaven) is that part of the zodiac directly overhead, while the bottom of the chart or IC (Imum Coeli, or lower heaven) is the part beneath your feet and on the other side of the Earth from you. At the extreme left-hand side of the wheel is the ascendant, or rising sign -- the part of the zodiac that is on the horizon or rising at the birth moment. Conversely, the descendant is on the right-hand side of the chart. This is the part of the zodiac that is setting. These four points, the Ascendant (Z), Descendant (’), Midheaven (X), and Imum Coeli (“) are very important to astrologers. They are sensitive points.